If Knowledge is power, then Skill is superpower… One such Superpower is Public Speaking

“What if I forget my speech?” What if I can’t answer the audience question?” “What if I go blank in the interview?”

Public Speaking is a very common Phobia. Many people prefer to do almost anything, instead of standing up and talking in front of the audience. Delivering a speech can feel intimidating and scary.

Fears and insecurities tend to multiply if we avoid and neglect learning and practicing the skill. What comes as a nightmare can turn into a personal boost with Video classes in Psycho kindle.

Public Speaking is a key skill for personal development on many levels. It’ll boost your self- confidence, enhance your reputation, advance your career and create opportunities. The good news is, it is a learnable skill and can be perfected through PRACTISE. What you say, how you say makes a great difference in personal and professional life. If you want to achieve higher levels of success in education, sales, leadership, management, scientific field and social life, an investment in learning the Public speaking skill is absolutely the surest way to accelerate your success.

The Video classes on Psychokindle are tailored around your needs and will be available on your schedule. These virtual video courses will provide a convenient qualitative and cost- effective alternative to classroom training from the comfort of your homes, travel, or in office. We want you to get the most out of your Public speaking training. Step by step we’ll progress and you’ll become a much better speaker, much before you’ll know. It’ll be a pleasure to see you speak and shine.

How Psychokindle will help you?

Learn to speak like a pro!

The systematic approach of training will give you applied learning which you can apply to all different forms of Public Speaking.

The lectures and later practice will help you eliminate the fear of public speaking that has plagued you for years. Our trainers have identified several sticking points that become a handicap, Psychological inputs, Impactful methodology will help you overcome several problems: Nervousness, stage fear, Performance anxiety etc.

Our personalized approach of training would facilitate personal attention to every learner with feedbacks dealing with their specific concerns and needs.

Video classes with Practice follow-up on Telegram group of like-minded learners would facilitate proper learning.



  • How to connect with self before connecting with the audience.
  • How to draw attention and Engage your audience.
  • How to translate your content into an Impact.


Step 1: Question to be asked to yourself:

  • What have you read on the topic?
  • What does your research say?
  • What have you observed?
  • What do you remember?
  • What have you heard?

Step2: Do you want to Educate/ Inspire or Entertain?

Step 3: How to structure the content?

Methods and Techniques


  • How to practice?
  • Techniques
  • Analysis
  • Feedback


Speak confidently like a Pro.

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