Weight Loss : Are you on the right track?
I want to lose weight- This is your emotion taking the call. Congratulations!! your decision has been positively influenced by your emotions .But beware ! This trigger lasts only for six seconds and you might find yourself struggling between Can I ? and I can’t. This becomes a major obstacle in your Mission - Weight Loss. This article brings forth the fundamental key to psychology of weight loss and how you can use it to achieve your goals. Armed with proven strategies, self acceptance and self compassion, you can begin to revitalize your weight loss and fitness programme. Psychologists advice the need of transcending from a diet ( mindless) mentality to long term lifestyle changes. Focus on your Emotions, Feelings, Moods and Habits for achieving smart goals and healthy goals.
Check 1 : EMOTIONS
Emotions are the physical triggers that prompt you to take off. At present, it is MISSION- Weight Loss. Bear in mind the only weakness of this trigger is it vanishes in no time (6 Sec) . Thus, cautioning you not to falter by reclining on your emotions for long. You need to fuel it with expert guidance, motivation and reading quality literature.
Talk to weight loss trainer today to get a perspective and support your journey.
Join a support group who encourage.
Involve a behavioral physician, psychologist to help in developing strategies to manage your weight loss.
Most important of all is to be motivated self driven and to take action right away.
Self Motivation:
Mirror! Mirror! On the wall, do I look fat at all? Mirror reflects the truth, if at all you need to lose weight, where do you need to lose weight?
Weighing scale gives the figures right before your eyes . A witness to your dire need of weight loss.
Health charts/ reports prompt you to take charge of your weight loss.
Targets and Time tables: short term and long term plans dictates you to act.
Identify Goals:
Certain desire, certain goal in mind prompts you to start a weight loss program. This dictates your spirit. Identify the prompters, which may be to;
Improve your physical attractiveness.
Please others
Improve your appearance/ confidence
Reduce the complex with height and shape
Improve health
Understand the role of desires to keep you motivated and prolong the emotional trigger that actually lasts for fraction of seconds.
Join Support Group:
It isn’t easy to go on a diet alone. More specifically to stick to a strict diet for long. Joining support group helps in keeping the passion alive .It becomes easier to stick with a weight loss and exercise plan and diet plan when you have support. Joining a support group in person or online { Healthline, Verywell fit} you can discuss your struggles and success, share tips and tricks of diet and exercise. These groups also help enhance mental health if you face challenges. Support comes in many forms {psychological support, Online / in person support, Commercial programs, Surgery support etc) Support of family and friends to provide an environment in which weight loss was encouraged and healthy regime adopted by all family members. Positive comments do contribute in weight loss progress.
Therapist and Clinical support:
Weight problem / Obesity can not only have an negative impact on health but also directly affects the self esteem, happiness and overall wellbeing. Psychotherapy can include practical behavioral interventions as well as techniques that make change easier. Psychotherapist helps you understand yourself and your thinking pattern which comes in the way of making lifestyle changes. Common treatments for weight loss include:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Interposal Therapy
Body oriented Therapy
Cognitive Reframing
Neuro linguistic Programming.
Feelings develop when we integrate emotions to our thoughts. Unlike Emotions which are physical triggers, feelings are mental triggers. The integration of both lasts longer and so is beneficial to accomplish your mission- Weight loss. Weight loss is just as much about mental change as it is about physical change. Strengths, self esteem, courage, compassion, Empathy, Enthusiasm plays a significant role in aligning your emotions and feelings thereby strengthening your motivation. Understand the role of characters and strengths in creating better health habits and adapting to better life styles Weight loss is just as much a mental battle as it is physical.
Enthusiasm :
Enthusiasm comes from the right reasons: Why do you want to lose weight? Do you know the benefits ?
You need to be in harmony with yourself, your body as well as your family and friends.
Compassion :
If prone to eating disorders or unhealthy eating habits. Don’t pity yourself, but take control of eating Habits. Resist temptation. Take professional and family help.
Positivity :
I am on the right track and I need to remain focused on my set of goals. This comes from Positive Counseling of oneself. Be strong to face minor obstacles which are bound to come in your way. A plateau or roadblock is predicted for all- What to do ?
Don’t give up.
Consult a weight loss expert, who will assess your situation and find best way.
This is the most negative of all the feelings meant for weight loss. It leads to over expectation and depression. Decide not to lose your mind but to lose weight .Decide not to adopt crash courses to crush weight. Decide not to lose lot of money but weight.

Mood is affected by several factors like the environment, (what people say, What people do) the physiology (what are you eating) and also the mental and physical state. Weight loss is about fundamental behavior. if you direct your actions and behavior strictly around your goal . You will tend to devour mood swings, Lethargy, procrastination and cheating on yourself. Also right food, right sleeping habits , right exercise and variation in exercises sets the right mood always. Psychotherapists help in mood stabilization, stress management, communication training and emotion processing.
Working with weight loss therapist can also help understanding the problems and destroy patterns of thinking that can undermine our ability to remain focused and manage our weight loss regime. Weight loss expert knows how to customize your lifestyle and what behavioral strategies to stick with that makes the biggest difference to success.
Right action begins with Right habits. When you plan and make real permanent changes in your habit, it leads to easier attainment of your goals:
Emotional eating is a sin for your weight loss dreams . How often do you commit? Emotional eating can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Get help from psychotherapist if you are struggling with binge eating and other eating disorders. Understanding why and when and how much we should eat is considered one of the most important and overlooked scientific findings on weight loss. If you eat without distraction. It can reduce stress, prevent anxiety and depression and help to promote weight loss.
Have you checked your hours of sleeps, power naps? Sleep deprivation leads to Weight gain. It disrupts the balance of key hormones (Ghlerlin and leptin) that control appetite. Ghlerin is a ‘go’ hormone which tells you when to eat, while leptin tells you when to stop.. People who are sleep deprived end up with too much Ghlerin. The body is fooled into thinking it is hungry. Also, insulin resistance is a common side effect. This leaves you feeling tired and hungry more often. Stress levels are heightened. Metabolism is slowed down. As such one can well comprehend the result. Ensuring good sleep is a must for the weight loss mission
Is it a part of your daily life or your way of life? Are you adopting FIIT principle? Four factors: Frequency, intensity, time and type determine the exact stress you put on your body during workout session determines your outcome. Changing one or two types surprises and challenges your body in a new way. Your body burns more calories. If your body gets used to the same workouts, things start to plateau. So Change is the secret.
Prioritize clean eating. Eating junks can make your workouts more difficult and subsequently poor results. Limit sugar and focus on eating lean protein, healthy fats and whole carbs from fruits, veggies and whole grains. Healthy diet, drinking three liters of water is strongly recommended.
Lifestyle Changes :
Weight loss therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on lifestyle changes that promotes weight loss.CBT is as important as getting the right amount of exercises and choosing food that support weight loss goals .Therapist argue that a multipronged approach is needed to develop weight loss program. Rankell says; ‘The key to maintaining weight loss is a serious behavioral and life style changes to counter the ingrained lifelong habits. Behavioural changes were evident in strategies designed to reduce temptation, such as driving the right hand lane or counting to three when passing fast food places.
Technology can also be put to use to set reminders in service of maintaining behavioral routines and record food intake using food diaries online.
Using apps for self accountability helps.
CBT can be a great addition to your weight loss mission and even a little effort can translate into real weight loss and health benefits.
Behavioral medicines helps patients who are struggling with weight loss goals by identifying physiological, psychological and behavioral patterns that are preventing them from maintaining healthy weight loss. Progress needs to be checked.
Assess yourself, reach out for guidance and read quality Literature on the subject and ACT.
It truly helps.
Mission Accomplished!!