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Career Guidance for Graduation and Post-Graduation

The Landing:

We help graduating students and fresher in different areas such as engineering, medical , management, humanities and other courses to make the right career decisions. This is the most crucial time to select your specialization for further studies or in selecting your role at workplace or in industry.

Three simple step for your bright future:


Know your strength & traits: 5 dimensional assessment will help you to learn about your strength and interest and to find streams that suits you and your personality. Students will be provided with recommendations on suitable career paths and clusters which will provide an understanding of their fitment across different careers in the world of work. Try our free summary report which is available at the end of the assessment.

We provide you an option of purchasing a detailed report and also help you in scheduling a guidance session with one of our counselors, post completion of the test. Our assessment program is powered by data from O*NET, the largest open source career database in the world, and provides very accurate recommendations as the candidate's profile is statistically matched with the profiles of successful people in similar careers.


Talk to the experts: We have a team of experienced experts to advice you stream and subjects through personalized session. They will help you to understand yourself, academics, work style and more. No need to suppress your queries anymore. You will get answer form experts over mails and chat.


Select your stream or job: This is the most crucial time to select your specialization for further studies or in selecting your role at workplace or in industry. Build a customized plan for your career and begin your journey.

Let's help you discover your perfect stream


Orientation Style Assessment


4 Pages Summary Report

Career Assessment

4 dimensional assessment to assess workstyle.

Career Content

Well-researched information on hundreds of career options.

Career Report

Detailed assessment report containing top career matches and personalized development plans.

Career Counselling

Face-to-face career counselling sessions and guidance from career experts and online support.
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Career Assessment

₹ 2500

13 Pages Career Report

Career Assessment

5-dimensional career assessment with best-fit career recommendations.

Career Content

Well-researched information on hundreds of career options.

Career Report

Detailed assessment report containing top career matches and personalized development plans.

Career Counselling

Face-to-face career counselling sessions and guidance from career experts and online support.
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Career Asessment + Counselling

₹ 5500

13 Pages Career Report

Stream Asessment

5-dimensional carreer assessments with top stream recommendations.

Career Content

Well-researched information on hundreds of career options.

Career Report

Detailed assessment report containing top career matches and personalized development plans.

Career Counselling

Face-to-face career counselling sessions and guidance from career experts and online support.
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